Speech therapy cabinet in the Education and Rehabilitation Center of St. Josip Radnik offers services aimed at children of preschool and school age, mostly at children with multiple developmental disabilities and includes: communication, language and speech disorders (social (pragmatic) communication disorder), autism spectrum disorder, developmental language disorder, specific learning difficulties -dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia, articulation disorder (pronunciation of sounds), children’s speech apraxia, stuttering and rashness.
The speech therapy cabinet within the center contains high-quality and multifunctional equipment necessary for speech therapy work:
A digital speech therapy set that can be used for various speech therapy methods and therapeutic techniques. This set represents an innovation in sound signal processing using digital signal processing that enables fast and precise sound processing with almost the same quality and speed as the human brain. It can be used with any method or method of rehabilitation (therapy of articulation and phonological disorders, therapy for hearing impairment, therapy for stuttering and impetuousness, dysarthria, voice disorders…).
The cabinet is also equipped with speech therapy probes that are used to correct the pronunciation of voices, as well as for the purpose of speech therapy massages.
For therapy of speech and language disorders, the vibrophone is also of great use, which has proven to be successful in the correction of articulation disorders, and its application can be multifunctional.
Clevy keyboard: specially designed for people with disabilities who find it difficult to use a standard keyboard. People with motor disabilities (those who use their hands with difficulty) and people with visual impairments can find a reliable solution for using and accessing the computer with this keyboard.
Communicators: they are applicable first of all for communication difficulties, especially for autism spectrum disorders.
The rest of the equipment inside the cabinet refers to multifunctional cards, which can be used to develop communication and language-speech development in an interesting and creative way.
In addition to individual speech therapy with children, parent counseling is carried out if necessary and by agreement.